School Life
We know that new cities and new schools provide amazing opportunities for learning and growth. From settling in to moving on, we know each milestone matters; and that it's not just about academic success, but exploring and enjoying every aspect of the school day.
At BIS-NY there are opportunities across the term to showcase skills and areas of interest outside of the classroom. Whether it's the House System, the school plays, Book Week or just an in-class exploration, school life is always an adventure...
Introducing The House System
A major part of school life at BIS-NY is our House System which underpins the ethos and the culture here, bringing the full school together and enabling students to meet new friends and share new experiences across all year groups. Think Harry Potter without all the scary characters... ! It is just one facet of the vital commitment to Pastoral Care which underpins a BIS-NY education.
Creativity and Expression
Throughout the school there are countless opportunities for students to explore their creativity and find their own space, be it on stage or behind the scenes at one of our school plays, on paper in our 'BIS-NY Briefs' publications, through the School Choir or the Student Voice school council.
Beyond the Classroom
Beyond the classroom, students enjoy a range of Teams, Clubs and After School Activities, Trips, and Community Outreach Programs. Sports are another passion of students at BIS-NY and our Sports Teams undertake an exciting range of sporting events alongside their studies.
In the summer months, we offer an exceptional Summer Camp which students and parents look forward to throughout the year where children swim daily, as well as keeping up on their skills with fun projects and exhibits.
The general feel of BIS-NY is one of such nurturing and happiness — what more could a child ask for? The school’s strong ethic to broaden children’s outlook on the world and current events gives them such confidence from a very early age; it gives the school its own unique personality not seen anywhere else in New York.