Admissions & Application Info

With families joining BIS-NY from NYC and all over the world, it is our pleasure to support you and your family at every step. Please explore the information below and don't hesitate to be in touch; we're here to help.


Applying to BIS-NY

Our admissions requirements vary slightly by age; the dropdowns below include the documents needed for each division and year group. Please ensure you are selecting the correct school year when creating your child’s application on TADS:

Fall 2024 - Spring 2025 for in-year admissions OR Fall 2025 - Spring 2026 for the coming school year


Applications Now Open for the 2025/2026 School Year

Our first round deadline closed on Friday, December 13th, 2024, following which we moved immediately into rolling admissions where space is available. Please email to confirm space in your child’s year group prior to application.

Mid-Year Moves - Applications for the 2024/2025 School Year

Limited spaces are still available for the current school year (2024-25) in select year groups. Please contact to confirm availability for your child, and further discuss how we would support them for a smooth transition during the school year. At BIS-NY we are very used to accommodating short-notice moves and ensuring both the children and their families settle quickly and happily into school and life in New York.

Considering BIS-NY for future years?

Our applications for each school year open in summer the calendar year prior. Please email or submit an inquiry form below to be added to our mailing list for future school years, so you are kept up-to-date with upcoming admissions events, application deadlines, and further opportunities to connect with the school and community, to learn more about how we might be able to best support your family.


Our team is here to provide flexibility and reassurance at every stage of our admissions process to give you the support you need as you look ahead, and we are available from 8:00am daily via email, telephone or live chat here on the website, even during the summer.

BIS-NY is a school of knowledge and of principles. Classic themes are taught in a breathtakingly modern, relevant and dynamic way. My son is immersed and engaged far past the time the school day is done. He is thinking, not just learning.


Questions about applications?

Send us a quick message here!

Apply now, decide later... 

 Our team and simple application process are here to provide flexibility and reassurance. 


Arrange a Video or Telephone call with our team, or come Visit if you are in New York!


Apply online & provide supporting documentation (listed by age group in the dropdown boxes above).  


Once we have your completed application we endeavor to turn around a speedy decision, so you have your options in hand as soon as possible.